Matteo Poma
Graduate Student


BS, Materials Science and Engineering, Brown University, 2022


Dean’s Fellowship for Excellence, University of Colorado Boulder, 2023

Research and Personal Interests

My research interests surround nanomaterial applications for climate-change addressing technologies, specifically through photovoltaics. During my undergrad, I was a research assistant in Prof. Nitin Padture’s research group, where I led a perovskite cell encapsulation project to prepare our devices to be sent to space on a student-built cube-sat.

Prior to arriving at CU Boulder, I also worked as a research assistant in Prof. Yue Qi’s computational research group at Brown where I led a sub-project on modelling random structures for a novel solid state battery electrolyte. Deep down I am an experimentalist, but I have a newfound curiosity for how I can use my computational skills to complement my research, streamline processes, and generally provide a different train of thought for projects in the McGehee Group.

Outside of the lab I love almost anything outdoors— whether in the mountains or in the ocean. More than anything, I enjoy skiing, running, cooking, and slowly restoring my ’72 Honda CB175.